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CV of Yang Zugong

CV of Yang Zugong

Author:Yang Zugong From:Site author Update:2023-03-13 14:13:59



Zugong YANG


Born October 5,1937, Hebei, Chine.


Address: 2-2-503,Fangcaodi Beixiang, 100020 Beijing Chine.


Phone and fax: (8610) 8561 9654.




Professor emeritus, Chinse Academy of Social Sciences,Beijing.


Former Director, Association pour l’Etude francaise.




1957-1962  graduate of the foreign languages institute ,Beijing.
Major research fields: comtemporary france economy and politics; European political system; the theory of the state; European social democracy.


Concurrently held positions:
Deputy researcher, institute of Africa-Asia studies, 


China academy of sciences 1962-1965


Chief researcher, institute of South east asia studies,


International Liaisons department of the Communist Party of China 1965-1971


Chief researcher, Europe section


International liaisons department of the communist party of China. 1971-1981


Research director, institute of European studies, 


China academy of social sciences. 1981-1998


Research Associate, Institut d’Etude Politique, Paris 1983


Visiting scholar, Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Paris, 1985


Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Universite Paris I (Sorbonne) 1986-1988


Jean Monnet Fellow, European University Institut, Firenze  italia 1997-1998


Visiting professor, Institut d’Etude politique, Paris 2001





I. Books:


1, Comparative analysis on the political systems of the west, shijiezhishi edition, 1992.


2,The state and the market, shehuikexuewenxian edition, 1999.


3, The social security system of the east Europe, laodongrenshi edition,1986. 


4, Small and middle enterprises of the east Europe, Zhanwang edition, 1987.


5, Project of the European union, Jingjiribao edition, 1997.


6, Contemporary france ,chongqing edition, 2003.



II.Selections of articles:


7,Nationalisations and planifiction of france,1984


8,The planification and reform in france,1984


9, The crisis of the Welfare state in east europe,1985


10, The evolution of the geographical politics of Europe,1986


11. The evolution of the three ideologic movements in Europe after world war II,1986




III.Personal and collective translations:


12, Maurice Duverger: Sociologie de la politique—Eléments de Science Politique


Edition Beijing,1987,reedition 2007


13, Raymond Aron: Mémoirs—refléxions politiques de 50 ans




14, Alain Peyrefitte: Du “Miracle” en Economie,zhanwang,


Edition Beijing ,2001


15, Michel Albert: Capitalisme contre capitalisme,


Edition Beijing,1999.


16, Pierre Rosanvallon: Le Capitalisme utopique


Edition Beijing,2004


17 Erik Orsenna: Voyage aux pays du coton 


Edition Beijing,2009


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