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CV OF SUN Yanhong

CV OF SUN Yanhong

Author:SUN Yanhong From:Site author Update:2023-03-13 14:13:59

Name: SUN Yanhong

Gender: Female

Nationality: Chinese

Office telephone: +86(0)10-8519 5730

Postal Address: Institute of European Studies

Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS)

JianGuoMenNei DaJie 5, 100732, Beijing, China

Email: sunyh@cass.org.cn

Associate research fellow at the Institute of European Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS)

Education / Professional studies:

Institution: Graduate School, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, China

        Date From/To: September, 2006 - July, 2009

        Degree/Diploma: PhD in World Economy

Institution: Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

        Date From/To: September, 2001 - July, 2004

        Degree/Diploma: M.A. in Economics

Institution: Peking University, Beijing, China

        Date From/To: September, 1998 - July, 2001

        Degree/Diploma: B.A. in Economics

Institution: Peking University, Beijing, China

        Date From/To: September, 1997 - July, 2001

        Degree/Diploma: B.A. in International Relations

Working experience:

2012-   Associate research fellow at Institute of European Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

2006-2012 Assistant Researcher at Institute of European Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

2004-2006 Research assistant at Institute of European Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

2004-2006  Assistant Editor, Chinese Journal of European Studies, Institute of European Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences



    Sun Yanhong, A Study on Industrial Policy of the EU, Social Sciences Academic Press (China), 2012.

Main papers and articles:

    Sun Yanhong, "A Study on the Recent Transformtion of and Innovation in Italian Industrial Districts", Chinese Journal of European Studies, No.5, 2012.

    Sun Yanhong, "The EU Automotive Industry at the Shock of the International Financial Crisis: Impact, Policy Response and the Prospect", Chinese Journal of European Studies, No.2, 2011.

    Sun Yanhong, "A Study on the European Economic Model from the perspective of the EU industrial Policy", in The European Economic and Social Model, edited by Luo Hongbo, Social Sciences Academic Press (China), 2010.

    Sun Yanhong, "The Urgently Needed Reform", Column of International Remarks, Renmin Ribao, August 6, 2010.

    Sun Yanhong, "A Study on EU Industrial Policy in Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Industry", Chinese Journal of European Studies, No.6, 2008.

    Sun Yanhong, "Industrial Policy of the EU: development and recent progress", Chinese Journal of European Studies, No.1, 2007.

    Sun Yanhong, "Industrial Policy of the EU and its implications on the economic resurgence of northeast China", in Industrial Clusters and the Economic Resurgence of the Northeast China, edited by Du Li and Xu Chuanchen, Press of Jilin university, 2007.

    Sun Yanhong, "Do we need to worry about the footwear products trade friction between China and the EU?" Column of international remarks, International Herald Leader, June 24, 2005.

English working papers:

    Sun Yanhong, "Industrial Policy of the EU: Development and Recent Progress" working paper, written for the EU-China: European Studies Centres Programme.

Translated papers:

    Albert Schweinberger, "The Euro Crisis from a German Perspective: An Evaluation", translated by Sun Yanhong, Chinese Journal of European Studies, No. 3, 2012.

    Marco Fortis and Monica Carminati, "Industrial Districts: The Economic Reality and Legislative Framework In Italy", translated by Sun Yanhong, in Industrial Districts and Economic Globalization, edited by Luo Hongbo, Chinese Social Sciences Press, March 2008.

    Dirk De Bievre, "The EU Regulatory Trade Agenda and the Quest for WTO Enforcement", translated by Sun Yanhong, Chinese Journal of European Studies, No. 5, October 2006.

    Siegfried Hauser, "Regional Pattern of World Trade and the Development of Trade between China and Germany", translated by Sun Yanhong, Chinese Journal of European Studies, No. 5, October 2005.

    Hans- Hermann Francke, "Financial Systems in Worldwide Competition: Risk Sharing in Germany, Japan and USA", translated by Sun Yanhong, Chinese Journal of European Studies, No. 5, October 2005.

    Harald Nitsch, "The Future Enlargement of the Euro Area", translated by Sun Yanhong, Chinese Journal of European Studies, No. 5, October 2005

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