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Greece can be gateway to Europe for Chinese enterprises

Greece can be gateway to Europe for Chinese enterprises

Author: From:chinadaily.com.cn Update:2023-03-13 14:14:14

  Greece can act as the gateway for Chinese enterprises to enter European markets as Belt and Road Initiative opens great opportunities for bilateral cooperation, Fotis Provatas, chairman of Greek-Chinese Economic Council, said.

  "Bonds between Greece and China have become stronger with the launch of the initiative," he said. "Both countries have a rich history and civilization with mutual cooperation for thousands of years. Greece with the new initiative can be the hub and the gateway of China to Europe."

  "Energy, telecommunications, logistics and Infrastructure are fitting perfectly to China's strategy of Belt and Road for Greece and the rest of Europe."

  He made the remarks at China High-tech Fair (CHTF) 2016 held in Shenzhen from November 16 to 21.

  He also believed the two countries could benefit by strengthening cooperation in smart tourism.

  "It is true that major cooperation between Chinese high-tech companies and Greek government has been created in previous years, especially in the sector of smart cities. We expect further investments in that field, but also we see a big opportunity in the sector of smart tourism that both countries could benefit from," he said.

  CHTF, known as the country's biggest and most influential technology show, is a platform on which enterprises and organizations from all over the could can share and trade their latest technologies and products.

  This year's fair has attracted more than 3,000 enterprises from 37 countries and regions across the world. Greece has been a participant of CHTF for five years. A total of nine Greek enterprises and institutions took part in this year's event.

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