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European market offers new opportunities for China's online sellers

European market offers new opportunities for China's online sellers

Author: From:Xinhua Update:2023-03-13 14:14:13

  European countries, including France, Italy and Spain, are buying more goods from China's cross-border e-commerce retailers.

  In a report released Sunday, eBay revealed that its Chinese sellers saw average sales annual growth of 300 percent in France, Italy and Spain during the past three years.

  As issues related to marketing, logistics and languages are no longer weighing down sales, many Chinese sellers are shifting their attention to the European market, according to Zhou Haiying, director of the eBay Chinese mainland international trade department.

  Specifically, European buyers are interested in China-made electronic communication products, clothing, home decoration supplies, computers and industrial instruments

  According to the report, the number of Chinese eBay retailers selling to France, Italy and Spain has increased by 45 percent from July 2015 to June 2016, with the quantity of products increasing by 65 percent.

  There are 259 million online buyers among the 530 million Internet users in Europe. The B2C e-commerce market in Europe is predicted to be worth 625 billion euros by the end of 2016, according to Ecommerce Europe.

The Institute of European studies Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,All Rights Reserved

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