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Choice for Chinese tourists shrinks due to Europe, Middle East uncertainty

Choice for Chinese tourists shrinks due to Europe, Middle East uncertainty

Author: From:CRIENGLISH.com Update:2023-03-13 14:14:13

  Chinese tourists are reporting fewer choices for travel during the upcoming Spring Festival.

  Many people use the long holiday as an opportunity to travel outside China.

  But travel agencies are reporting growing disinterest in some destinations, citing terror attacks in Europe and the Middle East, political turbulence in Japan and South Korea, and the less attractiveness of Hong Kong and Taiwan.

  As a result, some agencies have shifted their marketing focus to highlight tropical islands.

  Spring Airlines have launched direct flights to Thailand's Suratthani Province, cutting the cost of traveling to the tourist hot spot of Samui Island in half at least.

  Tourist numbers to the Philippines have also been boosted after the government there announced it was studying the possibility of a visa waiver for Chinese tourists.

  While some travelers have welcomed the trend towards tropical island packages, they also note there are fewer choices and higher prices for holidays in traditional destinations.

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