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Greek president meets with Chinese defense minister

Greek president meets with Chinese defense minister

Author: From:Xinhua Update:2023-03-13 14:14:03

Greek President Katerina Sakellaropoulou on Monday met with visiting Chinese State Councilor and Minister of National Defense Wei Fenghe.

Noting that Greece and China are both ancient civilizations, Sakellaropoulou said the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries continues to develop. She thanked China for its strong support in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic.

Greece attaches importance to China's position in international affairs, and appreciates China's achievements in economic and social development and its great progress in human rights, said the Greek president.

Greece is willing to actively participate in the Belt and Road Initiative and the cooperation between China and Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries, Sakellaropoulou said.

It is hoped that the European Union and China will maintain close communication and jointly promote sustainable development of the world, she said.

During the meeting, Wei introduced China's recently-concluded "two sessions," its fight against COVID-19, achievements in economic and social development, and the actual situation in Xinjiang.

He said that China and Greece enjoy a long friendship and have achieved remarkable results in jointly building the Belt and Road.

China will work with the CEE countries to promote more stable, substantial and far-reaching cooperation in various fields, said the Chinese minister.

The Chinese army is willing to strengthen strategic communication with the Greek army, carry out extensive personnel training, deepen pragmatic cooperation, and advance bilateral military ties to a higher level, said Wei.

He emphasized that China always upholds the concept of building a community with a shared future for mankind, unswervingly pursues a defensive national defense policy, and strives to work with other countries to build an international security architecture featuring fairness, justice, joint contribution and shared benefits.

Wei also held talks with the Greek Minister for National Defense Nikos Panagiotopoulos on Monday, exchanging in-depth views on relations between the two countries and the two armies, and on international and regional situations.


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