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Trilogues in the Co-decision procedure of the EU (Zhang Lei)

Trilogues in the Co-decision procedure of the EU (Zhang Lei)

Author:Zhang Lei From:Site author Update:2023-03-13 14:13:59

Abstract:Co-decision procedure is the most important legislative procedure for the European Union. The Treaty (formal rules) has set up a general framework for the main actors, while a large number of Trilogues, the informal tripartite meetings, involving the European Parliament, the European Council of Ministers and the European Commission are substantially crucial to reach agreements under the co-decision procedure. Trilogues speed up the legislation process and make the decision-making process more efficient through reaching early agreements. They also have the impact on the formal rules, resulting in the evolution of the Treaty. But Trilogues have some negative impacts on democracy in the European Union.

IES innovation project briefing,No. 19, 2012.


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