In April 2009, the Shanghai Institutes for International Studies (SIIS) and the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung’s Office for International Cooperation (FES) in Shanghai organized an international conference on “China, the EU and Latin America: Current Issues and Future Cooperation” in Shanghai. In May 2011, a collection of the 15 papers from the meeting was published by the Shanghai People’s Press.
Edited by Dr. Niu Haibin from the SIIS and Birte Klemm from the FES, the anthology attempts to discuss three major issues: comparison of the EU and China’s relationship with Latin America; MERCOSUR’s relationship with the EU and China; trilateral relations and scope of multilateralism. Jiang Shixue, Deputy Director of the Institute of European Studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and Vice President of the Chinese Association of Latin American Studies, submitted a paper to the 2009 conference, and it is collected in the book now. In his paper titled “A new look at the triangulation between the EU, Chin and Latin America”, Prof. Jiang discusses the possibility of China-EU cooperation in Latin America. His analysis focuses on the 35 areas of cooperation stipulated by the China policy paper issued in November 2008. He believes that in some areas, particularly in the economic and trade fields, cooperation is very likely whereas in other areas, the possibility is not high. Prof. Yang Jiemian, President of the SIIS, and Birte Klemm wrote a foreword for the book. According to them, it was the 7th international cooperation on the topic of global governance co-organized by the SIIS and FES.