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CV of Zhou Hong

CV of Zhou Hong

Author:Zhou Hong From:Site author Update:2023-03-13 14:13:59
Professor Dr. ZHOU Hong holds PhD in comparative history from Brandeis University. She works as, Director of the Institute of European Studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and chairs the Chinese Association for European Studies. She is an elected Member of the Academic Divisions of CASS and is serving as Deputy Director General of the Academic Division of International Studies of CASS. Professor Zhou has extensive experiences in consulting and social activities. She has been elected as a standing member of China Economic and Social Council, a vice president of Chinese Association for International Relations, and serves as a consultant to the Chinese Ministry of Personnel and Social Security. Her recent publications include:


CV of Zhou Hong     Social Security Systems Worldwide (ed., 2010),


Chinese Public Views of the World (ed., 2009),


EU as a Power (ed., 2008),


EU Governance Model (2008),


Donors in China (2007),


Whither the Welfare State (2006), etc.


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