An Introduction to the Institute of European Studies
The Institute of European Studies (IES) at the
IES has forty research fellows and ten supporting staffs. There are six research departments, i.e., Department of Economic Studies, Department of Politics Studies. Department of EU Legal Studies, Department of Social & Cultural Studies, Department of International Relations Studies and Department of Science and Technology Policy Studies.
IES publishes a bimonthly in Chinese,"Ouzhou Yanjiu" (Chinese Journal of European Studies).
Affiliated with IES, the Chinese Association for European Studies (CAES) is a national, non-governmental academic organization that aims to promote European studies in
The Department of European Studies at the
IES has established extensive connections with foreign universities, think-tanks, foundations and NGOs. It maintains close working relations with the European embassies and missions in
Contact information:
Address: 5 Jian Guo Men Nai Da Jie, CASS Building (14th Floor), Beijing 100732, China
E-mail: gongzuo@cass.org.cn
Phone: (86 10) 8519 5736
Fax: (86 10) 6512 5818
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